Wednesday, July 11, 2012

When Is Daylight Savings Time

When Is Daylight Savings Time 2009?

Article by Melissa Wexford

When Is Daylight Savings Time 2009? - Society

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Did you know that it's really called "Daylight Saving" and not "Daylight Savings" time? This year, the official Day Light Saving Time is November 1st 2009 at 2:00 AM. So on Halloween night before you go to bed, you should set your clock back 1 hour.

There are some other interesting facts about Daylight Saving time. For example, did you know that not all US States and territories observe daylight saving time? The Virgin Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Hawaii, and even Arizona! Well, in reality, Navajo Nation does still observe. Alaska has passed a bill as well to stop following it.

So how long will this period last? After you set your clocks back on November 1st or last thing October 31st, the clocks won't need an adjustment until March 14th, 2010, when Daylight Saving time begins again on the second Sunday in March.

It's also a great idea to use this time to also check your smoke detectors. You should always check your detectors at least twice a year, and how convenient, you need to adjust your clocks twice a year! Did you know that working, properly placed smoke detectors DOUBLE a family's chance of survival?

Should Daylight Savings Time Be Expanded?

Modern daylight savings time was first proposed by a New Zealand entomologist named George Vernon Hudson in 1895. There are many controversial aspects of daylight savings time, which was originally designed to add daylight time to the afternoon and less to the mornings. The practice typically benefits retail outlets, sports or other activities that need daylight after normal working hours. However it doesn't benefit evening entertainment venues or other evening activities that depend on the sun.

Daylight savings has some complex effects on the health of populations subject to daylight savings time. Since the primary physical affect revolves around sun exposure, the benefit of additional exposure would be increased vitamin D synthesis, while the drawback would be increased likelihood of skin cancer. Some people also argue that levels of depression are decreased during periods of daylight savings time as a result of people rising earlier. On the reverse, some argue that sufferes of night blindness are hurt by the effects of daylight savings time.

Love it or hate it, chances are it's here to stay. So be ready on November 1st, 2009 to get your extra hour of sleep!

About the Author

Melissa is an avid writer who enjoys writing about a variety of topics.

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Melissa Wexford

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Melissa is an avid writer who enjoys writing about a variety of topics.

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