A few nice Mountain Timezone images I found:
Mountain Time
Image by NCReedplayer
Entering mountain time....
US Timezones
Image by r.rosenberger
I traveled a lot between parents when I was younger, so it feels like I've always known the US timezones, they're second nature. I am often reminded that this isn't second nature to everyone when friends from 'back East' repeatedly ask me, "what time is it in Alaska?" I usually just respond with, "four hours behind you!"
The US recognizes SIX (6) Timezones: East to West they are Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific, Alaska, and Hawaii. The Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) alters slightly (by one hour) during Daylight Savings Time (DST), and not all states recognize/use DST, but for Standard Time, these zones in the same order are: GMT -5, GMT -6, GMT -7, GMT -8, GMT -9, GMT -10. For more information on time zones see wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/usa/time-zones.htm and for daylight saving information - which changed in 2007 - see wwp.daylight-saving-time.com/
For more OFFICIAL information, the US Government has put it in writing for us - of course! See the UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 15 - COMMERCE AND TRADE, CHAPTER 6 - WEIGHTS AND MEASURES AND STANDARD TIME, SUBCHAPTER IX - STANDARD TIME
at tycho.usno.navy.mil/260.html
Carpathian mountains in Frasin
Image by Johan Koolwaaij
This picture was taken in mountainrange Carpathian Mountains, in Frasin. I was sitting. This photo is context-tagged with IYOUIT.
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