Friday, August 17, 2012

Wireless Web Development

Wireless Web Development

"Wireless Web Development, Second Edition" provides a substantial business and engineering background for wireless developers, covering facets of wireless Web software development for today's mobile platforms.Today's wireless technologies - including wireless HTML, WAP 2.0, XML, Palm's WCA, and iMode - are discussed in detail, with examples of each. Moreover, Ray Rischpater places a special emphasis on the differences between the Web and the wireless Web, helping the reader understand the engineering and human interface issues that they must address when creating wireless Web applications. By providing details about technologies that have emerged since the first edition was written (iMode, the growing emphasis on XML in wireless, and WAP 2.0), as well as relegating to historical status those technologies that have failed the test of time (Microsoft Mobile Channels and HDML), the book improves upon the first edition. - Coverage of HTML, WAP 2.0, XML, Palm's WCA, and iMode are all discussed in detail - Author is an accomplished veteran of the wireless platform industry Ray Rischpater is an accomplished veteran of the wireless platform industry. His accomplishments include participation in the development of the first handheld Web browser for the Apple Newton platform, the first handheld Web server, and wireless travel software showcased at the Atlanta Olympics, among other things. With dozens of contributions to the industry's most respected publications, he is also the author of "Wireless Web Development and Wireless Web Development with PHP and WAP" published by Apress. He graduated from UC Santa Cruz with a BA in Pure Mathematics.

Price: $ 0.01

Sold by Barnes & Noble

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